Meadow Lake Elementary
Dedicated to creating a welcoming and nurturing culture providing all students the opportunity to reach their full potential.
School News
On Feb. 12, the Robbinsdale Area Schools community came together for an unforgettable celebration of Black History Month.
At Meadow Lake Elementary we strive to create an environment where all children feel safe, valued and supported. Click "Read More" below to learn about our focus on kindness this week.
There will be no school on Monday, February 17 for President's Day or Monday, February 24 for a teacher's professional development day.
Join us for a fun night of Bingo and Books on February 20 from 5:00pm-6:30pm. Free Bingo, popcorn and books for prizes for everyone. Fun for the whole family. Then stick around for our 5th grade class concert from 6:30-7:00pm.
Our Butterbraid Fundraiser is under way. Orders are due on March 3rd and delivery will be March 12. Forms were sent home on Tuesday but also linked here by clicking "Read More." Students should use the QR code to set up an account and then a link can be shared with family, friends, neighbors, etc. All proceeds will go to our PTO and benefit the school!
Parent Teacher Conferences are coming on March 13, 18 and 20 from 3pm-7pm each day. Please sign up using the link below to meet with your student's teacher. In person and virtual appointments are available. Interpreters will also be available.
Click HERE to schedule a time with your child's teacher.
Summer School 2025 is June 9-26 from 7:45am-11:15am at Robbinsdale Middle School. All elementary students are eligible to attend. Breakfast and lunch will be served and bussing is available. Click "Read More" below to view the flyer. To register just scan the QR code on the flyer and enter your student's information.
Meadow Lake will be offering a free dental clinic on site at school on April 22. Click here for more information
Parents of children 4-8 years old are invited to a virtual book study on How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. We will meet virtually via Google Meet on Tuesdays February 18-March 11 from 11:30am-12:30am. Cost is $10 and includes the book. Click Read More below for the registration information.
The future of Robbinsdale Area Schools is in your hands. The first Reimagine Rdale: Vision 2030 community engagement meeting is happening on Feb. 11 at Plymouth Middle School.
Its time for a mid year academic check in. Click "read more" for this week's message from our Principals.
February 10, 2025 is National African American Parent Involvement Day! Join us as we celebrate our students and strengthen connections between families and schools. You are invited to come to your child's classroom from 12:45pm-1:45pm on February 10 and help build those connections. Contact your child's teacher or Diamond Sampson, Culture and Climate Specialist for more information.
February is Black History Month. All month long we will celebrate and highlight Black history and culture. Please join us at our district wide event on Feb 12 at Robbinsdale Middle School from 5pm-7:30pm. This year's student focused celebration will include music, dance drumming and dinner.
We do not celebrate Valentines Day at school. Please do not send treats or cards with your student per the district wellness policy. Thank You.
Two Robbinsdale Area Schools (Rdale) teachers, Garrett Bruce and Emma Withers, have been named candidates for Minnesota’s 2025 Teacher of the Year award.
School Calendar
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